General conditions of use of the FVE configurator


These terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions) govern the mutual rights and obligations of the parties to the contract for the provision of digital content (Contract) concluded by means of remote communication on the website between the owner of the website and another physical or a legal entity (User; Provider and User hereinafter referred to as the Parties and each separately as a Party). If nothing else is stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, their individual provisions apply to both the User in the position of a consumer, i.e. a natural person who deals with the Provider or concludes a Contract with him outside the scope of his business activity or outside the scope of the independent performance of his profession ( Consumer), as well as to the User in the position of an entrepreneur, i.e. a person who is not a Consumer.


The FVE configurator, including all the presentation on it, is only informative and non-binding in nature, and does not constitute a binding offer to conclude any contract, nor a proposal to supply goods or services within the meaning of § 1732 par. 2 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended (Civil Code). The Provider is not obliged to conclude any contract regarding the presented content.
The FV Configurator is accessible to all Users to the extent specified by the Provider.


All legal relations between the Provider and the User are governed by the legal order of the Czech Republic, in particular the Civil Code. In the event of the existence of an international element, the Provider and the User shall defer to the Czech courts as the decisive forum for the resolution of disputes, while the local jurisdiction of the court will be governed by the general court of the Provider. Translations into other languages are for informational purposes only.
These Terms and Conditions become valid and effective on 9/11/2023.